This web page and all its content is part of the blog Effýmia

Page 30

It's when I imagine that
Spain is a city in Rome,
that suddenly the world has now
much more sense than yesterday.

The show consisted of four stars
hidden at the forests of the loneliness.
Each one carried a contempt, each one said
to be more unprotected than the others.
In that senseless competition
full of floral attempts,
we saw the rain getting on a train
to come back to that sky without clouds
from where we never saw it fall.
Quake. Silence.
The stars turn off and blink.
Between the delirium and the uncertain
the stars remain the same.
I separate myself and I understand that
I was (I am) one of them.
It's when I imagine that
Spain is a city in Rome,
that suddenly the world has now
much more sense than yesterday.