“The fox knows as a fox, but more knows for being old.”
That's what say the old people. It's a war of who know less.
The old fox believes that the young fox thinks he knows it all.
¡How ignorant the old fox sounds, each time he says his old statement!
Because he hides under his sad old age to report,
according to him, who knows better.
according to him, who knows better.
(It is a war of who know less.)
Well, let me add that, in my humble opinion,
it's unwise to think that the knowledge is a matter of age.
Doesn't matter how much a person lives, matters how much he learned in that time,
and not always more time means learn better.
(This is an endless war, where the true wise knows when to struggle.)
When an old fox says: “The fox knows as a fox, but more knows for being old”
the true wise kept the silence, because he knows that it's useless demand to someone who see
stop playing as he was blind, if he thinks that being blind it is a great quality.