This web page and all its content is part of the blog Effýmia

Page 13

If you stop to think a little you'll find out that we are a little like the streets: we meet with so mucho others! Even the streets that at first seems go in parallel, and without another street that intersects, in some point they do, and one gives way to the other, changes or dies at the meeting.
Of course, we are like streets: We born and die, change our names, our ways, our numbers, change our wide, inclusive change the landscapes. We have ups and downs, rough parts, soft parts, broken parts and some parts more transited than others.
Then, as a red light that stop us, you wonder: can I be a street in the middle of Buenos Aires and not met with any other street? Not born, nor die, not change? Can I just be a loneley street and nothing more?
Right... what a fool! for a moment I thought it possible. I guess I'm up to make me diagonal.