This web page and all its content is part of the blog Effýmia

Page 28

I do want to be be digested, chewed, swallowed, and vomited. And see me, recognize me in that puddle, in that violence, in that of what the others bring us back when they eat us, with their eyes and their theeth, and their perjudices full of gluttony. And want to say that, maybe, I'm not that.
I do want to be be digested, and cause an indigestion. And hurt, mark as a strong imprint on low heat. And do not have to apologize for being of harmful nature, not have to apologize at all, actually let me be healthy. And do right, or bad, but never do nothing.
I do want to be be digested, and that nobody keep me. That nobody keep with something complete, because I'm not complete, because I need to be disarm. That nobody take my freedome, that nobody keep me and then shit me.
I do want to be be digested, chewed, swallowed, and vomited. And who can appreciate me in that mixed sea, appreciate me even out of one, I hope that the same be able to understad that when I say that, maybe, I'm not that… believe in me.